Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Week 13 Post

Tuesday (1 Hour of work):

Today I worked on finding some good textures for the body and the speaker of the amp. I found a really good speaker texture and the plastic texture I found is ok but a little stretched out so I will have to tweak with it a little bit in Photoshop. The speaker came out great and really does resemble a speaker. I also might need to lighten the plastic slightly because it blends in a little bit.

Friday (3 Hours of work):

Today I had to completely retexture the UV's for the neck of the guitar. I got them fixed relatively alright. They look pretty good from a distance. That took me a while to do. Then I reapplied the texture to the guitar to make sure it all worked. 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Week 12 Post

Wednesday (1 hour and 1/2 of work):

I worked on UVing the knobs on the amp. It's actually a little bit more complicated than I thought it was going to be but I have to get through UVing them all and adding some detail to each of them in photoshop. They need some lines and numbers on them so they look like real knobs on amps.

Thursday (2 hours of work):

Today I got all of the knobs UVed and one of the buttons. It took a while to UV these but I finally got them done. I just have another aux port to UV, 2 bigger UV's, and a switch. After that I can finally add some textures onto this.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Week 11 Post

Monday (1 Hour of work):

Today I worked on fixing the rest of the screws. I had to reuv all of them and that took a while but I finally got it done and it turned out great. The gold texture that I have gotten looks just like gold to me and I gave it a nice shine as well.


Worked on texturing some more of the guitar knobs but nothing was going right tonight. I'm going to see what I am able to do tomorrow instead.

Thursday (1 hour of work):

Today I worked on finding a good silver texture for the silver pick guards and the strings. The texture I found works really well for silver and has a great texture to it. It took a little bit for me to get the UVs just right for the strings. At first they were starting out the right color then getting dark on the seam of the UV. I figured out that since the strings are two separate pieces I have to fix both sides to get the texture to flow correctly. So far I am loving how this guitar is turning out.

Friday (2 Hours of work):

Today I started on with adding the mahogany texture to the head of the guitar. I then tried to search for an abalone texture for around the mahogany texture on the head but I could not find a good one. So then I moved on to UVing the frets and getting a nice fine wood texture on each of them. Then came the trickier part which was uving the part of the neck that I wanted that same texture on as the frets. I didn't get it quite right because it accidentally applied the texture to the entire neck. This over road my mahogany texture on the head of guitar but I figured out how to put that back. It needs some fixing still but its turning out to look really good.