Monday, December 1, 2014

Week 14 Post

Monday (1 Hour of work):
Today I worked on finishing some of the knobs on the guitar and the guitar is now done. Then i started to work on building the guitar stand for the guitar to sit on in the final scene. I'm getting very close to being done with this project.

Tuesday (1 Hour of work):
Today I worked on finishing up the guitar stand. I had some issues with the curve tool to make the handles for the guitar to sit on but I finally figured it out. Since the guitar sits on it its not really visible to the person looking at the scene. Tomorrow I am planning on working on textures and hopefully soon finishing up my scene. 

Thursday (2 Hours of work):
I worked on getting the stand fully uved and I did just that. I got all of it UVed which took a while but its all ready for texturing now. I was thinking of making it a darker plastic color because it is not really going to be seen. The guitar is going to be resting on it.

Friday (5 Hours of work):
Today I worked on finishing all the texturing on the guitar stand. I found this great tutorial on about making my own metal texture in Photoshop. It really helped me get this great dark metal texture to the stand. After I was finished up with that I started working on the auxiliary ports to the amp. I am hand painting everything for this since that is going to be the easiest way. Its time consuming but I know it will be worth it in the end.

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